Three Reasons Why Quality Web Content Matters
By now you’ve heard all there is to say about quality web content. By web content, in this context, I mean blogs. Blogging and having a ‘Blog’ section on your website is a great way to get your business’s website in front of as many eyes as possible, especially in front of your target audience. These are people who are looking for information on the products and services you’re offering. Walk into a Denver marketing agency office and they will all tell you that your website needs a blog section, especially if what you offer isn’t common or intuitive.
Let me dream up a hypothetical company for you to help explain why blogging is so important before we get to why these blogs have to have quality material. Let’s say your company is a sales lead company. It sells sales leads to other companies in several different industries. Your company, Sales on the Go, offers a fairly unusual service. Rather than provide products and services directly to customers, you’re doing most of your business with other businesses and really all you’re selling is information. Your team does research on customers for clients and you generate and find leads for other companies for a fee. A blog section for Sales on the Go is useful because you can use it help explain what you do and answer questions that your clients might have. A good example of a useful blog for our fake company Sales on the Go would be “Lead Generation: How it Works.” This simple blog will explain how Sales on the Go generates leads and how it works with clients. It’s general information, but clients will at least get the basic idea of what your company offers them, as well as useful information on how lead generation works in general. In addition, this type of content marketing can be really beneficial for potential customers as well. If someone were looking for lead generation topics and Google that keyword, your piece of content could come up. This would expose your brand to a prospective new customer and although they may not be looking for your services now, they maybe in the future. When that needs does show up, who will they remember? You!
Denver advertising agencies tell their clients that a good blog section should be full of useful, interesting content to provide readers with valuable content that is beneficial to the reader while drawing more traffic to the site. The more useful the content is, the more readers will want to return to your blog section again and again for more useful tidbits. I’ve gone over a couple of reasons why useful content matters, but for convenience sake, here is a nice, easy list of reasons:
- Good blogs draw traffic. There may not be a flood of readers for your first blog, but over time, if you’re paying attention to SEO practices like keyword research, keyword density, and analytics, in addition to producing useful, well-written content, readers will start to see your blogs higher on their Google search results. This makes your advertising agency happy. A good blog section full of relevant content coming out regularly will always draw more traffic than a standalone website.
- Useful blogs build trust. Your customers will trust and like your brand better the more useful information you give them for free. Quality, informative blogs about the products or services you provide also proves that you’re an expert in the field.
- Other companies are reading your blogs, too. Finally, other than explaining a bit more about how your service works, you’re showing your competition that you have a full array of services that they may not have. Also, you may be able to form symbiotic relationships with other companies whose leaders are reading your blogs based on the information that you’re providing in them. The more engaged with your business community, the faster your company will grow.
So always remember to demand the best blog content from your in-house marketing manager or your ad agency to help grow your brand and your company.