Influencer Marketing
2017 was proven to be wildly successful in the new trend of Influencer Marketing. Influencer marketing involves marketing products, services, and brands with people who have an ability to sway customers to buy. This ability to influence can be derived from a number of reasons: popularity, reputation, or even the expertise of the individual. Fortunately for companies, the standard influencer marketing strategy of hiring a celebrity to endorse your huge brand name product like ‘Wheaties’ although still prevalent, is not the only option. With the rise of social engagement and the proximity cultures that the internet has created, brands can call upon influential people from all platforms that have a small following – micro-influencers. “Instagram Models,” “Beauty Bloggers,” “Youtubers,” “Gamers,” and Reality TV stars now have the ability to partner with companies to endorse brands who may have been overlooked otherwise. Social media marketing revenue topped $13.5 billion dollars in the US alone in 2017 making engagement on these platforms a key success factor for any company and often times these influencers are social media gurus. With the rise of ad blockers and the limited engagement with TV Influencer Marketing is expected to grow even more in 2018. This shift in market trend, means that more budget needs to be spent in other areas for engagement.
With the wide gamut of influencers for businesses to partner with, it is important to identify the most relevant influencers for your brand – just because they have a large following does not mean their influence would be relevant to your brand or that they have any expertise in your industry. Leading influencers expect trends to flip toward higher prevalence of brands using influencers in their basic marketing strategy to boost their social media engagement and gain new customers they might have previously not been able to reach. Influencer marketing is focused on engagement with customers who will see products and services being offered in real time in the influencers life – its less about number of followers or likes but audience a personal brand ambassador engaging with your target audience and building brand awareness.