Emotional connection to your brand
Advertising and marketing agencies salivate over certain clients. At least, Encite does. Well, not literally. Certain clients’ products and services make it easier on marketing agencies because of their fundamental offerings. These offerings tend to be easy to connect to an emotion, and emotion is a great influencer of buyer behavior.
Whether you are aware of it or not, emotion plays a huge part in why we purchase products. Some advertising campaigns are quite obvious about it especially when they use humor (joy) as a strategy. The Sonic Drive In advertising, for example, are quite funny and paint the picture that you will be happy when visiting their restaurants. Pharmaceutical companies are notorious for using fear as a motivator. You have heard them: Do you suffer from this or that? Does your head hurt when this happens?
When we first become a clients’ advertising agency, we sit down with them to discuss, among other things, how we can emotionally connect with their audience. Any marketing agency should tell you that. A predictable strategy most small businesses employ is to not connect emotionally, but to try and connect rationally. The rational marketing campaign tends to be: Buy our product because it does this, which fixes that. While the rational route can be successful, connection with your audience emotionally increases purchase by as much 15% by some studies.
Start to think how your products and services can connect emotionally with your audience. This can be an enormous increase in revenue, market share and profit!
Adam OLeary, President, Encite International
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Anthony Bickham
December 13, 2012I agree. In an age when loyal customers are growing less and less loyal – some estimates showing that only 15% of consumers are “truly loyal” – it is crucial to create an emotional connection between a brand and its consumers. I found studies showing that buyers of emotional brands were 4 times more likely to shop for that brand and were 50% more likely to recommend a product to someone else.
Social Media is vital in creating this emotional connection. I am fascinated with the potential of Social Media to create a transparent company culture and bridge the gap between consumers and businesses. It allows companies to create a connection by rapidly interacting on a personal level with consumers, attaining product feedback, conveying their company culture and analyzing their consumers needs and adapting to changes in the market. A couple of years ago, I tweeted a complaint about my AT&T service and within 20 minutes a representative had responded, apologizing for my inconvenience and claiming they would get on the issue ASAP. Now, I am a customer for life.