15 Jul 2015
Advertising Firms Denver, Small Business Client

Why Agencies Love Clients Who Own Their Own Businesses

Each creative agency in Denver loves small business owners as clients for many reasons. Those who are the sole owner of their small business tend to care more about the success of the business than executives brought in to run a company that is not theirs. This is not to suggest that Chief Executive Officers or Operations managers don’t care about the businesses they run, but small business owners often have a higher stake in the success or failure of their company, and thus are more willing to do whatever it takes to keep it afloat and work with other professionals who can help them do that.

Any interactive agency will tell its clients that the more they are involved in the decision-making process for creative advertising or other services, the better the job will turn out. If an advertising agency starts work on a new campaign for a company, the agency will often see better success for their client if the client has some meaningful input. Agencies of course can’t do their jobs if their clients are constantly hounding them for ideas and mock-ups, but businesses need to be involved in the agency’s work. Without their input, the work the agency does for the business cannot be expected to be effective. Small business owners have to make any contracting work they hire other businesses to do as cost effective as possible.

Small business owners lose sleep and pull their hair out over every small detail of their business. Their business is often their life’s work, and without the passion that they pour into their work, their business would never survive. Agencies love to see this kind of passion from their clients, because it means that their work is both appreciated and valuable. Sole owners of small businesses tend to care more about their business and their contractors’ work than executives hired to run a company. There’s no one to blame but themselves if things don’t go well. This responsibility gives them the motivation to push advertising agencies to do their best work, because the sole owner of the small business that hired them expects the highest quality work that will be the most effective for his or her business to thrive long into the future.

Small business owners give agencies the opportunity to truly test their abilities. Agency execs love to work with local small business owners who are tied to the community in ways that hired executives simply aren’t. Every client’s opinion and instruction matter to every agency, but clients that have more skin in the game are more willing to work more closely with the agency to craft the perfect project, whatever that may be—advertising campaigns to business restructuring. Small business owners simply must get everything right for their business to survive in an arena where most competitors fail in three to five years. Those who own their own businesses have the passion and the attitude that drives most agencies’ best work.




Adam is a graduate of Colorado State University (bachelor’s degree in marketing), and he has experience on both the client and agency side of the marketing world. These experiences led him to come up with a unique, more efficient business model, which he’s incorporated into Encite Marketing. Adam sets the strategic direction for all Encite projects, developing integrated marketing campaigns that bring results. He takes a consultative approach with clients, educating them about how the process works, and keeping them in the loop about end goals, steps, and tasks.