28 Apr 2014
Biz Quiz Monday | Advertising

Biz Quiz Monday!

We decided to start a new feature on our blog where we share with the rest of our audience all the questions we get  when speaking and working with small businesses. As a full service marketing agency, we get a wide variety of inquiries and many of them are the same. So we know other small business owners have the same questions. So here is the first of many posts answering your questions!

What do you need for a successful SEM campaign?

We here at Encite have found that patience and evaluation is the key to a successful SEM campaign. When implementing a paid strategy, patience must come into play since Google employs a much more robust strategy when using Adwords. It isn’t as easy as paying a fee and getting and ad placed. They make sure your website, ad and keywords are all relevant to ensure legitimate ad placement.

Any marketing agency such as ours would also suggest evaluation as a key to a successful SEM campaign. If you do not measure how each keyword is doing in each campaign, they can be rendered useless and ineffective. In addition, it is through evaluation that you can make the little tweaks and adjustments that will not only get your ad to the top, but will make your ad placement strategy most effective and cost efficient.

What is the most important things about SEO for complete beginners?

Our top 3 tips.

1. Well written meta titles and descriptions – hire an SEO writer (or better yet, there are very capable advertising agencies out there) to write these and place them on your website.
2. Content, content, content – Start a blog and write about content that is relevant to your audience.
3. Submit content to journalists to have them link back to your website – incoming links help tremendously!

What would be your one marketing tip?

My marketing tip would be commitment. Whether it be print advertising, digital strategy or public relations, there is no one silver bullet strategy to marketing, which your advertising agency should tell you. If you want marketing to work for you, you must commit to a strategy and tactic and execute it faithfully. One ad will not result in sustainable and incremental growth. If you want to read more about this subject, there is a blog post about it here.

What is good email marketing etiquette?

The one rule entrepreneurs should know about email etiquette is: Do not panic if your email campaign isn’t working like you want it to. Email marketing is just like any other marketing campaign in that it needs to be consistent, relevant and evaluated. If you send an email and don’t get any responses, bombarding your audience with additional emails isn’t going to help. In fact, it will be detrimental. Instead, test and evaluate better content, distribution times and calls to action.




Adam is a graduate of Colorado State University (bachelor’s degree in marketing), and he has experience on both the client and agency side of the marketing world. These experiences led him to come up with a unique, more efficient business model, which he’s incorporated into Encite Marketing. Adam sets the strategic direction for all Encite projects, developing integrated marketing campaigns that bring results. He takes a consultative approach with clients, educating them about how the process works, and keeping them in the loop about end goals, steps, and tasks.