5 Social Media Mistakes
Well, we are delving into a subject that many people have addressed before: Social Media mistakes. I hope that what we have learned here at Encite working on clients’ social media strategies is at least a little useful and unique to those small business owners out there. As an advertising agency, we have spent a considerable amount of time researching and testing social media tactics and we know that we have established some very good standards that work for every brand across industries. We hope that you would follow at least these five guidelines, if nothing else!
- Lack of engagement
It’s very easy to set up a Facebook page, Twitter account and a LinkedIn profile. You don’t need a marketing firm to do that for you! The big issue is the lack of commitment to engaging on these marketing channels. We have had numerous conversations with clients about their social media programs with their response being, “Oh yeah! Karen (or Jim or Brian) is gonna take care of that for us. He/She knows exactly what she/he is doing.” Fast-forward six months later and the page/account/profile is dormant. This is VERY detrimental to your brand. When clients or potential clients see this lack of involvement, it erodes credibility and trust. Not having an account at all would be better than this.
- One way communication
People use social media to participate with a brand. They have liked your page, so there is some sort of redeeming quality about your company or brand. Since there is already some interest on their part, the last thing they want to happen is being bombarded by interruption marketing ploys. Encite has a client that is a nightclub and we have repeatedly informed them that they will get so much more out of their social media if they have a two way conversation with their customers. Instead, all they use it for is another advertising medium. It is strictly a way to announce bands, specials and ongoing events. If they were to just ask a question or run a contest, more people would flock to their page.
- No promotions
From a B2B perspective this is sometimes difficult, but if you are a B2C company, a promotion is a great way to engage your audience. In fact, up to half of your followers (depending on what statistic you believe) want to receive some sort of offer or coupon. In our experience, we have seen an enormous increase in activity around our clients’ social media channels when we are running a promotion. Most of the time, a small gift certificate or discount coupon is sufficient to build awareness and create buzz. Large brands that give away a trip to Vegas or a lifetime supply of their product does get tons of exposure, but in the context of small business, this isn’t absolutely necessary.
- Posting inappropriate or inaccurate thingsThis may seem like a no-brainer, but many advertising agencies can tell you that they probably have had at least one client do this. The last thing you want to do is make your audience angry or make them think you are an idiot. The best way to combat this is through research and planning. Research the statement/fact that you maybe posting and plan ahead on what you are going to post. We have seen many instances where someone is under the gun to get a message out and they make a mistake. Write down your post and then sleep on it. Come back and read it with a fresh mind. That way you can help curb those silly mistakes.
- Not evaluating how you are doing
Facebook is especially good at this as they have a metric built into your small business page. The “insights” will tell you how each of your
posts are doing, whom they are reaching and if they are being shared. You can adjust your strategy accordingly.
I hope this is helpful, but is by no means an exhaustive list. With social media constantly changing and growing, it is no wonder companies are hiring people that specifically manage this space. Even marketing agencies such as mine are taking on these tasks more and more. Just remember: engagement and content are key! Happy facebooking…or whatever you want to call it!
Adam Oleary, President
Encite Marketing