Month: August 2018

13 Aug 2018

How to Do Social Media the Right Way

Throughout the last decade, the umbrella of messaging channels we call social media has developed at warp speed. In Facebook’s early days, nobody would have guessed that the time-waster of a website would become such an integral part of the way we do business in the modern world. With descendants like Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn […]

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10 Aug 2018

Why is Brand Consistency Important?

When you look at the world’s most successful brands, what comes to mind? What keeps customers coming back? In most cases, familiarity plays a huge role in client retention.   Think about it – you can walk into a McDonald’s anywhere in the country and find a Big Mac on the menu. It doesn’t really […]

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07 Aug 2018

Why is Building Relationships Important?

We’ve all heard the phrase “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”   While this idea might be underselling how important it is to be well-versed on what exactly your company offers and what helps you stand out from the competition, it accurately describes just how important having a strong professional network can [...]
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