Category: Digital Marketing

23 May 2016
Search Engine Optimization, SEO

Five SEO Tips for Global Marketing

If your small business is online and marketing to customers all over the world, chances are you need to reach more customers all the time with a broadly appealing marketing campaign to go with your broadly appealing products and services. Selling products and making your business website available to customers around the world is obviously […]

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09 May 2016
Integrated Marketing Communications

Three Reasons Why You Need an Integrated Marketing Strategy

Small businesses these days are losing faith in their marketing agencies and the strategies they offer for a number of reasons. Obviously, if a marketing plan isn’t focused on their target audience or it doesn’t highlight the best attributes of a business to bring in more foot traffic and web traffic, it’s easy to lose […]

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01 Apr 2016
Strategic Planning, Strategic Marketing, Hire a Marketing Agency

Three Reasons Why Hiring a Marketing Agency is Better Than Hiring a Marketing Manager

This is a really long title for a reason: The world needs to know that hiring a marketing agency is better than hiring a marketing manager in-house. It may seem like having a marketing manager for your business will be more efficient than hiring an outside marketing agency, but actually the opposite is true. If […]

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21 Jan 2016
Grow Your Business

How to Grow Your Business: The Five Best Places for Internet Business Advice on the Web

With a little help, you can grow your business on the Internet and gain foot traffic in stores. However, when you need small bits of information on how to promote your business on the Internet and a few tips and tricks for implementing the solutions your advertising firm gave you, you’ll need a few websites […]

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15 Oct 2015
Media Planning, Media Buying, Ad Buys

The Five Rules of Email Etiquette

These five rules of email etiquette are useful not only to small business owners making critical communications over email, they are the general rules for all professional email communication. They are especially important for small business owners, however, because generating new business and forming relationships between professionals is critical to the success of a small […]

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01 Sep 2015
Keys to marketing success.

Five Keys to Marketing Success

“Marketing success” means different things to different people and businesses. To some, marketing success means taking over a larger market share for their business, to others, it means increased foot or Internet traffic, with a larger percent of those visitors turning into viable leads and increased sales. Depending on your business model and the market […]

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31 Jul 2015
Market Agency, Creative Firm, Denver

The Importance of Timelines

Timelines, as any good ad agency in Denver will tell you, are important in any kind of business agreement. They keep everyone’s expectations the same and set clear rules for how any work relationship operates. For example, your business needs advertising work done by the end of the month. If you don’t make this expectation […]

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09 Jun 2014
PR Firm, Advertising Denver Colorado

Biz Quiz Monday!

How do you add user generated content into your marketing? Asking fans and customers help you with your marketing is a great idea! It gets them engaged with the brand while taking another task off your plate. A great way to add user generated content to your marketing is to ask fans and customers to […]

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